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What's on

Sunday Morning Service is at 11am and lasts just over an hour. 

We celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of each month

The Sunday Club meet at 11am each Sunday in the Church Hall and join the main body of the Kirk for the last 15 minutes of the service.

Creche every Sunday morning from 10:45am for duration of service.

Babies to children aged 3 years. Creche volunteers either have child safeguarding or are working towards this.

Prayer groups

Prayer Groups meet on a Monday evening and a Wednesday morning.


The Guild meet every second Tuesday in the month and are fortunate in having a strong Guild greatly supportive of the work of the Church.

Friendship circle

These meetings are held in the Church Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday’s of each month from October to March at 2pm.

All are made welcome and it is truly a circle of friends.

Wow’s (Women of the Way)

This group meets every 2nd Wednesday from 7.30pm until 9pm  and is lead by Lorraine the Minister’s wife.  We do Bible Study and have meaningful discussions. However, we do enjoy lighthearted evenings when we will go out for a meal or watch a movie or have a games night. There is always lots of laughter and a deep feeling of fellowship for those who come along.

Girl's Brigade

Meet on a Wednesday evening.

Coffee Morning

Over the past 30 years each Friday from September to June, between 10am and 12 noon, the Coffee Morning has taken place and has become an integral part of the community.

This is manned by volunteers who help with all the work that is required to make this such a success.

Boy's Brigade

Meet on a Friday evening.

Praise Band/Worship Group (Monthly Event)

St Machans has been blessed with a praise band for some 20 years.  Their aim is to introduce new worship songs to the congregation and so doing use their gifts in worship.  There are six musicians and four singers.  The group meets for rehearsal once a month and play for worship on the last Sunday of every month.  There is a very faithful commitment form the group and they serve the Lord and St Machans with real joy and humility.

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