There are 25 photo albums.
Zoom (2 photos)
Our first zoom chat
Praise Band (1 photos)
Praise Band
The Lighthouse (0 photos)
The Lighthouse Open Day
Friendship Circle (2 photos)
Loch Lomond Trip
Guild (1 photos)
Guild long service certificates presentation
Anchor Boys (2 photos)
Anchor Boys
Confirmation Lunch 7/8/16 (2 photos)
Cutting the Confirmation Cake
New members
Sharon McCallum, Gerry Neil and Alexis McDonald
A huge welcome ladies:) -
Sunday Fun Club Prizegiving (3 photos)
June 2016
Boy's Brigade Presentation (3 photos)
Captain Billy Gillan presented the boys with the following awards :-
President's Award
Callum Boyle, Callum Copland,
David Eadie, Daniel Moore
Queen's Award
Jack Frew, Cameron Murray
Ross Canning
We are very proud of you boys.
Well Done -
Elders Day Away 2016 (8 photos)
Braehead House Healing Centre
Wear a hat day 2016 (16 photos)
charity event in aid of Brain Cancer Research which raised £650
Sunday Fun Club Olympics (13 photos)
Fund Raiser
Christmas Tree Festival 2015 (22 photos)
A great community event which raised over £2,000 for The Children's Hospice Association.
St Macs Maxi Club (3 photos)
Rachel and Cara with banner
Sunday Fun Club Party (27 photos)
Creche and Sunday Fun Club end of session party June 2015.
Messy breakfast starts on Sunday 19th of July from 10am until 11am for 3 weeks.
Fun for all the family -
Board andSession day away (15 photos)
Braehead House, Braidwood
May 2015 -
walking group (1 photos)
enjoying a coffee and cake break during our walk on the Clyde Wallkway
The Guild (5 photos)
The Queen's Garden Party
Crèche (4 photos)
Our crèche with one of lovely babies and Holly one of our lovely crèche assistants
Church Service (12 photos)
Girls' Brigade Service held on 23rd March
Girls Brigade 50th Anniversary (22 photos)
50th Anniversary Celebration
Coffee and Pancake Morning (4 photos)
Every Friday from 11am - 12pm
The best pancakes this side of the Clyde!
Very popular.
All welcome -
WOW Group (10 photos)
Our ladies group which meets every 2nd Wednesday for Bible Study, friendship, fun and social events.
Church Ceildh (7 photos)
Our church Ceildh in May 2013.
A great family event and a big hit with all age groups.
Looking forward to the next one.