Where we are
Larkhall claims to be the largest village in Scotland with a population of some 15,000 in the year 2011. It is situated on the lip of the Clyde Valley fourteen miles south east of Glasgow and three miles from Hamilton in South Lanarkshire, Scotland.
It is increasingly a commuter village and private housing continues to grow in the town. People are able to travel easily to Glasgow or Edinburgh and all places in between.
Its development was due principally to a growth of handloom weaving in what was an agricultural area. Weaving gave way to coal mining at the Industrial Revolution and today both weaving and mining have demised and Daks-Simpson, a large local employer of women mainly, closed finally in February 2002.
We have an Industrial Estate to boast of, access to countryside and the sea within forty-five minutes.
There is interesting history and ready access to excellent quality primary schools and a secondary school which has grown in stature over the past few years.
The railway line which has a linkage between Larkhall and Milngavie through Hamilton and Glasgow together with a very good bus-service, makes travel easy and complements the excellent motorway linkages that the town enjoys.