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Church Notices

Intimations for Sunday 4th November


Shoe Box Appeal : The total number of boxes collected this year was 131, with

the total of the cash donations being £406. This includes 47 boxes and £56 from Machanhill Primary School. Many, many thanks to all who helped make this another very successful appeal.


Men’s Club Concert : The Club’s annual concert will take place in the Church tomorrow evening Monday 5th November at 7.30p.m. Entertainment will be provided by the group “Trilogy” who will be performing Scottish songs and music similar to the well-known group “The Corries”. Tickets, priced £5.00, which includes refreshments can be obtained from Club Committee Members or from the Resource Centre after Morning Worship. All proceeds will go to Church Funds. Please do come along and enjoy a good night out. Your support will be much appreciated.


The Guild : The next meeting of the Guild will be held on Tuesday 6th November at 7.30p.m. when a DVD will be shown entitled “Annual Gathering 2017”. A warm invitation is extended to all ladies to come along and enjoy an evening of friendship and fellowship.


Remembrance Sunday Service : Morning Worship on Sunday 11th November will be at the later time of 11.30a.m. following the service at the War Memorial at 11a.m.


Special Remembrance Sunday Evening Service : This year is the 100th Anniversary of the ending of the Great War. The Church of Scotland are marking the occasion with several planned commemorations. One of these is they are encouraging every Church in Scotland, on the 11th November, to have a local Trumpet player to play The Last Post at 6.55p.m. in their local Church. This will be followed at 7.05p.m. when again every Church is being asked to “Ring out for Peace” and the bells will be rung then. 

A special evening service in commemoration will be held in St Machan’s at 6.30p.m. The Last Post will be played at 6.55p.m.  by Karina Morris, S6, 1st Cornet Player from Larkhall Academy. The bells will be rung thereafter at 7.05p.m.  A special invitation is extended to all to come and share in this special commemoration service.


Christmas Magazine : All contributions for the Christmas Magazine should be given to Fay by Sunday 11th November or earlier, if possible.


Soup and Crusty Bread Lunch : The Guild are having their “Soup and Crusty Bread Lunch” in the Church hall after Morning Worship on Sunday 18th November. Please come along and enjoy some really tasty home-made soup and help the Guild raise some much needed money for Guild funds.

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