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Church Notices

                   INTIMATIONS 30th  JULY

If you are new to attending the Church and would like to introduce yourself or find out information on the Church please complete a contact form which is available on the table as you come into the Sanctuary or speak with the church member who will be standing at the lectern at the end of the service….It would be good to meet you.  We want you to feel comfortable and at home in our Church Family. 

Sunday 6th August:  Morning Worship will be held in St Machan’s at the usual time of 11a.m.

Musicians Wanted :  We are hoping to restart the Praise Band for our church and are looking for musicians or singers to join the band.
If you would like to use your musical talents or know someone that would like to get involved then please contact Graham Duncan for further information.... All Welcome.


Talking Jesus : 

One in three non-Christians after a conversation with a Christian want to know more about Jesus.
Conversations with Christians are one of the most important influences in bringing people to faith. This course will inspire you to share your faith and will give you practical suggestions to help you to be natural and relevant as you talk about Jesus.
There are five encouraging, video-based sessions with short films and inspirational real-life examples from people who are talking Jesus.
You are invited to attend our Talking Jesus Course that will run for 5 weeks starting on Wednesday 23rd August from 7.00pm till 8.30pm and held in St Machans Church.
It would be good if you could attend and you get a cup of tea.
If you would like more information, please contact Graham on 07889007427

Lanarkshire Cancer Care Trust
Lanarkshire Cancer Care Trust is an independent charity that provides volunteer drivers to take cancer patients to hospital appointments, clinics, and day-care facilities. LCCT offers patients and their carers living in the NHS Lanarkshire area free transport.
For further information, there are leaflets available in the Church vestibule and other exits as well as in the main hall for anyone interested who requires transport to and from appointments.

Safety Notice: In the event of a fire or other emergency, please vacate the premises in an orderly and calm manner by the nearest exit. These exits are clearly marked. Once you have exited the premises, please make your way to the assembly point, in front of the War Memorial in the front garden. When there, please await instructions from members of the duty team.

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