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Church Notices

                                Intimations for Sunday 8th  July

St Andrews Hospice Shop Appeal : The manager of the Larkhall shop is looking for volunteers to help in the shop. He is looking for anyone who can spare 3 hours per week from either 10a.m. – 1 p.m. or 1p.m. – 4p.m. If you are interested in helping please contact the manager, George Thomson by calling into the shop or by phone on 01698 888833 or by emailing him at


USB Sticks : Would all Elders delivering USB sticks in their district please ensure that they are picked up again and returned into John Kaprot's box in the Guild Room.  We purchased 100 of these a few months ago and now have only ten left because they are not being returned.  If this very important part of our outreach service to others is to run smoothly we need to make sure USB sticks are returned promptly.


Food BankCOULD YOU PLEASE HELP? – The foodbank is currently completely out of tinned tomatoes, longlife breakfast fruit juice and microwaveable rice. Our supplies of jam and longlife milk are also running low. If you are able to donate any one of those items it would be most appreciated.


Dalserf Church : Saturday Teas will be served in Dalserf Church from 12th May – 25th August between 12 noon and 4p.m. Please drop in and enjoy a cuppa with some home baking and help support our Sister Church in this venture.



















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