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Church Notices

                                             INTIMATIONS 20th NOVEMBER

The Guild are hosting a Soup and Crusty Bread Lunch in the hall immediately following the service today. All donations will go to Guild funds. A very warm invitation is extended to everyone to head through to the hall after the service and enjoy some delicious homemade soup. Your support will be greatly appreciated. The usual tea & coffee will also be served.

The Guild are having an Autumn Quiz to raise much needed funds. The fantastic prize is a “Diamondbrite” treatment for your car. It protects exterior paintwork, alloy wheels, seats and carpets and is suitable for both new and used vehicles. Once applied you will never have to polish or wax your car again. The prize has kindly been donated by Parks (Skoda) Hamilton and has a retail value of £299. Quiz sheets are available at the three exit doors of the Church and will also be available in the hall during the soup lunch. The price per sheet is £2. Today will be the last Sunday you will be able to buy them as the closing date is Sunday 27th November. Boxes for completed entries are also at the three exit doors until next Sunday 27th November. Winner announced on Sunday 4th December.  

Monday 21st November:    Men’s Club Indoor Bowls will meet tomorrow, Monday 21st November at 1.30p.m. in St Machan’s Church Hall. A Warm invitation is extended to all men of the congregation to come along and enjoy an afternoon of fun and fellowship. 

Tuesday 22nd November:   The Friendship Circle will meet in St Machan’s Church Hall on Tuesday 22nd November at 1.30p.m., when Phyllis Brophy will speak about Hymn Writers. A very warm welcome is extended to all.

Wednesday 23rd  November: The Wednesday Morning Prayer and Worship Service will meet this coming Wednesday 23rd November. 
Prayer Service – 10.15 a.m.
Worship Service – 11.00 a.m.

Thursday 24th November: The Kirk Session are called to meet on Thursday 24th November at 7.00p.m. in the Session House.  Minutes of the previous meeting have been emailed out to all Elders.

Sunday 27th November: Morning Worship will be held in St Machan’s Church at the usual time of 11a.m.  when our Advent Gift Service will be celebrated. As always, please leave your gifts unwrapped in either a Christmas bag or a carrier with a roll of Christmas paper. Gifts this year are being distributed by The Larkhall Network Group. This group includes various local charities, volunteer groups, Social Work, schools and Churches working for the community in Larkhall. The gifts will be delivered to the local schools in Larkhall for distribution to those families in most need.

Sunday 4th December: Holy Communion will be celebrated during morning Worship.

Tuesday 6th December: A date for your diary.  On Tuesday 6th of December the Salvation Army will be joining the Senior Friendship Circle and Guild for a Carol concert in church.  This starts at 1pm and a warm invitation is extended to members of the congregation to join us.  Refreshments will be served afterwards.
Saturday 10th December: The Men’s Club Christmas Concert is returning and will be held on Saturday 10th December at 7.30p.m. in St Machan’s Church, when the Stonehouse Male Voice Choir will provide the entertainment. Ticket cost, which includes refreshments, are priced £5.00 per adult, free for children are now available from any member.    

Flower Rota: A blank Flower Rota for Jan – June2023 is now on the notice board in the Guild Room and I am looking for your help in filling up the calendar. I am very grateful to those who already generously volunteer and hope you will continue to do so. We do need more volunteers though - the more there are the better. If you can take a turn, even if only for 1 Sunday, then please fill your name on the rota against the Sunday/s of your choice stating your preference as to supplying, delivering or both. By doing so you will help keep our Sanctuary beautiful on a Sunday morning but, more importantly, by delivering a bunch of flowers to those in our congregation and beyond in their time of greatest need or time of happy celebration you will be providing a very important pastoral care role in the life of our Church. Thank you. 


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