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Church Notices



Monday 2nd October:  
•    Book Club – will meet on Monday 2nd October at 10.30a.m. in Larkhall Library. The book being discussed this month is “Entry Island” by Peter May. A warm invitation is extended to any book lovers to join us for some lively discussions.
•    Men’s Club -  The Men’s Club Indoor Bowls will take place at 1.30p.m. in St Machan’s hall on Monday 2nd October.  A Warm invitation is extended to all men of the congregation and friends to come along and enjoy an afternoon of fun and fellowship.

Tuesday 3rd October : The new session of The Guild begins on Tuesday 3rd October with the Re-dedication Service conducted by Rev A McKillop at 1.15p.m. in St Machan’s Church. Members are asked to meet in the hall beforehand at 1p.m. for registration – capitation fees are £15.00. Following the Service there will be some light entertainment by “Me & Him” in the hall when tea & coffee will also be served. A warm invitation is extended to all ladies of the congregation and friends, with the first year being free to new members. 

 :Wednesday 4th October : The Wednesday Morning Prayer and Worship Service meet in St Machan’s.  A warm invitation is extended to all.
Prayer Service – 10.15 a.m.
 Worship Service – 11.00 a.m.

Saturday 7th October – Genesis Coffee Morning.  Genesis Youth Group are holding a coffee morning on Saturday 7th October in St Machan’s hall from 10a.m. – 12 noon. Please come along and enjoy some good home baking with a cup of tea or coffee, Guess the Bear’s Birthday and more…. Your support and company will be most very welcome. Cost is £2.00 which is payable at the door.

Sunday 8th October :  Morning Worship will be held in Chalmers Church at the usual time of 11a.m. Holy Communion will be celebrated during the service.

The Church Invitation Leaflets:- We are doing well with the delivery of our Church Invitation Flyers to homes in our parish. There are still some leaflets to be delivered and these are in the hall. If you can help to deliver please uplift and mark the street names as done on the area delivery list. Thank you.

Hospital Visit Cards:  The Resourcing Mission Team at Presbytery have produced Hospital Visit Cards to be distributed to Church Members throughout Forth Valley and Clydesdale Presbytery.
The cards bear the name of your Church, your Minister and his telephone number; and, should you be admitted to Hospital, will enable you to ask a staff member to advise the Minister of your presence there. It is a matter of personal choice whether you keep the card on your person or give it to a close family member who can make the call.    
A plentiful supply of these cards can be found on the table adjacent to the glass doors at the back
of  St Machan’s Church and the hall table at the car park entrance of Chalmers Church.


•    Shoebox Appeal 2023:   The Christmas Shoebox Appeal -2023 has been launched. I don’t yet have a date for the uplift of the boxes but it is usually around the end of October.  Larkhall New will again be participating in the appeal and I know finances are going to be stretched for everyone but if you are able to perhaps spread the cost over the next 2 months and pick up a couple of things when out shopping, I am confident we can still give our usual generous support for this very worthwhile appeal.  The usual information leaflets are at the exit doors. Please do pick up one on your way out. Thank you.

•    Monday 9th October - Tea Dance : There are plans in place to hold the first Larkhall New Parish Church, Afternoon Tea Dance, which is  to be held in Chalmers Hall on Monday, 9th October from 1pm until 3pm and it is hoped that you will help and support this venture. Help would be appreciated in various ways. You could help by letting people know the details of the event or you could help by supplying some home baking, or you could volunteer to help at the event by helping setting up the hall and food, or serving our guests, or the less glamorous, clearing up at the end.  All these tasks are vital to the success of this happy, fun and food filled afternoon tea dance.
If you would be willing and able to help in any way please give your name to either Anne Strachan or May Prentice. Your support would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 

•    Sunday 15th October : Harvest Thanksgiving Family Service. The Kirk Session agreed, once again this year, all of our produce gifts will be donated to the local food bank and our cash donations will be sent to Christian Aid Emergency Relief Fund.  We ask that no fresh produce items be given – only sealed tins, packets, boxes, cartons etc all marked with as late a date as possible. For all cash donations, a plate will be at each exit door marked Christian Aid to differentiate from the normal offering plate. Thank you in anticipation of your generous support.

•    Sunday 24th October : Snowdrop Bereavement Support Group - This is a new venture beginning on Sunday 24th October from 7.30 – 9p.m. in the Lighthouse, King Street, Larkhall, running for 7 weeks. The aim is to help explore the impact of bereavement in a safe and confidential setting where It is hoped offering and allowing freedom to communicate personal experience with others in the same situation, will help come to terms with and process their loss. If you are interested in attending or wish more information, please speak to Lorraine McKillop at Church or on 07749 761188.




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