Men’s Club: The Men’s Club will meet tomorrow Monday 14th March at 2.00.m. in St Machan’s Hall. The guest speaker, Malcolm Smith, will speak on the subject of “Vinyl Records”. A warm invitation is extended to all men of the congregation and friends to come along and enjoy an interesting talk and some good fellowship.
The Guild : The Guild will hold their A.G.M followed by a Daffodil Tea on Tuesday 15th March at 1.30p.m. in the St Machan’s hall. All are welcome.
The Guild: Today is the last day for purchasing your quiz sheets to help the Guild raise funds for the Guild Projects. If you have not already purchased one or would like to purchase more you can pick up one for the very reasonable price of £1.00 at the door as you leave. All entries should be handed in by next Sunday 20th March. There will be a slotted box in the Vestibule of St Machan’s next week for your completed entries or they can be handed to any Guild member. The first all correct entry picked randomly, will be given a voucher for afternoon tea for 2 at the Radstone Hotel (prize donated). Your support for this venture will be greatly appreciated and will allow the important work done by the Guild Projects to continue.
Sunday 20th March: Morning Worship will be held in St Machan’s Church at the usual time of 11a.m.
Used Ink Cartridges: Did you know your empty printer ink cartridges could help raise money for us? We can recover £1.00 for every used cartridge returned to a group called If you have a printer then please do keep the used cartridges and bring them along to Church. A box has been placed on the table inside the glass doors at the rear of St Machan’s Church where they can be deposited. The folks at Chalmers had been doing this for some time prior to the Union and have raised £273.00 to date.
Retiral Offering : The Kirk Session agreed at their recent meeting a retiral offering be taken for the people of Ukraine and this will be sent via Christian Aid who are part of the Disasters Appeal Committee. The offering will take place following today’s service and also next Sunday, 20th at St Machan’s. If you are able, please donate to this appeal and so help bring some much needed aid to so many desperate refugees.