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Church Notices




                                     INTIMATIONS 6th FEBRUARY



Men’s Club Indoor Bowls: The next meeting of the Indoor Bowls will be tomorrow

Monday 7th February at 1.30p.m. in St Machan’s Hall. A warm invitation is extended

 to all men of the congregation and friends to come along and enjoy an afternoon

of fun and fellowship.


The Guild:  There will be a meeting of the Guild Committee this coming Tuesday, 8th Feb

at 1p.m. in the Guild room.


Friendship Circle : The Friendship Circle will meet this coming Tuesday at 2p.m. in

 St Machan’s hall when a fun quiz will take place.  A warm invitation is extended to all to

come along and enjoy some fun and fellowship.


Sunday 13th February   :  Morning Worship will be held in Chalmers Church at the usual

 time of 11a.m.


Church Magazine All contributions for the Easter Magazine should be given to Fay by

 Sunday 20th February or before if possible.  Thank you












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