Men’s Club Indoor Bowls: The next meeting of the Indoor Bowls will be tomorrow
Monday 7th February at 1.30p.m. in St Machan’s Hall. A warm invitation is extended
to all men of the congregation and friends to come along and enjoy an afternoon
of fun and fellowship.
The Guild: There will be a meeting of the Guild Committee this coming Tuesday, 8th Feb
at 1p.m. in the Guild room.
Friendship Circle : The Friendship Circle will meet this coming Tuesday at 2p.m. in
St Machan’s hall when a fun quiz will take place. A warm invitation is extended to all to
come along and enjoy some fun and fellowship.
Sunday 13th February : Morning Worship will be held in Chalmers Church at the usual
time of 11a.m.
Church Magazine : All contributions for the Easter Magazine should be given to Fay by
Sunday 20th February or before if possible. Thank you