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Church Notices




McWhirter Home : St Machan’s will take the afternoon service at McWhirter Home this afternoon at 3.00p.m. As always, Alastair would be grateful for your support to help with the singing and to share a short time of fellowship with the residents.


Men’s Club : There will be a Committee Meeting of the Men’s Club on Monday 3rd June at 7p.m. in the Session House.


Braehead House, Divine Healing and Fellowship (ministry and healing facilities) is holding its Open Day on Saturday 15 June between 10 am and 4pm.

Further information can be found at

Refreshments will be served and there will a prayer walk, a labyrinth and children's games. Folks are invited to drop in anytime.


Flower Rota : A little reminder that a blank rota sheet for the period, July – December is now on the Notice Board in the Guild Room, where the flowers are arranged. Many thanks to those who have already filled in their name against a number of the Sundays. However, there are still quite a few blank spaces and your help is needed. If you are able to take a turn, even if only for 1 Sunday, then please fill your name on the rota against the Sunday/s of your choice stating your preference as to supplying, delivering or both. Please refer to the magazine article for full details of options etc. Thank you.


Guild Outing : The Guild autumn outing will be to Largs on Saturday, 31st August.  The cost is £20.00 and includes a three-course meal at the Bentley Hotel, Motherwell. Payment for the outing should be paid to either Nan McMahon or Liz Meek no later than Sunday, 28th July.

Could you notify Nan of any cancellations as early as possible please.  Thank you.


Safety Notice: In the event of a fire or other emergency, please vacate the premises in an orderly and calm manner by the nearest exit. These exits are clearly marked. Once you have exited the premises, please make your way to the assembly point, which is located on the lawn in front of the Church. When there, please await instructions from members of the duty team.

















































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