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Church Notices

NTIMATIONS  10th  February


Bible Reading Literature : John Kaprot, our Nurture Convenor, will have some examples of daily readings available this Sunday, after the service, in the hall. These examples will allow those who do not currently have any structured guidance, to view the literature available and receive information on how to have them delivered to their home address. Please do take the time to stop and have a look at the available literature on display. 

Men’s Club : The next meeting of the Men’s Club will take place tomorrow afternoon, Monday 11th February at 2.00p.m. in the hall, when the topic David Matthew and Jim Murdoch will be speaking about is “Crimea”.  A warm invitation is extended to all men to enjoy an interesting and informative afternoon.

Friendship Circle : On Tuesday 12th February the Senior Friendship Circle will be welcoming their guests, Joyce’s Voices’,  for their afternoon entertainment.    They are a group of mainly pensioners who get together to sing all sorts of modern, popular songs.  They entertain groups all over the Hamilton District and encourage their audience to tap their feet and sing along with them.  We would like to invite members of the congregation to join us for the afternoon.   As well as helping to boost our numbers it is just the thing to brighten a cold, dull winter’s afternoon.  We meet at 2pm and enjoy a short time of fellowship over a cup of tea and then will enjoy being entertained by Joyce’s Voices.  We look forward to some of you joining us.

Church Magazine : Would all those who wish to contribute to the March edition of the magazine, please give their contributions to Fay before the 17th of February.  Thanks.

Morning Worship : Worship on Sunday 17th February will be conducted by Mr Arthur Stewart.

Vision Prayer Breakfast : On Saturday morning 23rd February our next Vision Prayer Breakfast will be held in the hall. Breakfast will be served between 9.30 and 10p.m. and this will be followed with a short time of prayer and reflection. A warm invitation is extended to everyone to share in this time of prayer and fellowship. 

Christian Aid Retiral Offering : An event is being held entitled ‘Christian Aid the Gathering’ on Friday 1st March 2019, from10.00am – 1.00pm at Wheatley House, 25 Cochrane Street, Glasgow, G1 1HL.  There will be a talk given about Sierra Leone, one of the world’s poorest countries and scarred by Ebola.  If anyone is interested in attending, please see Grace McGhee. A request has been made to raise awareness and money and our voices against injustice.  At a recent meeting, the Kirk Session approved a retiral offering to be held on Sunday 24th February in aid of this project.













































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