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Church Notices


                                         INTIMATIONS 5th DECEMBER



Men’s Club :

Indoor Bowls: The next meeting of the Indoor Bowls will be tomorrow afternoon 6th December at 1.30p.m. in the hall. A warm invitation is extended to all men of the congregation and friends to come along and enjoy an afternoon of fun and fellowship.

Christmas Dinner:  The Men’s Club Christmas dinner is on Monday evening 6th December at the Maltings. 7.00p.m. for 7.30p.m.


The Guild : The Guild Christmas meal is on Tuesday 7th December  at the Radstone Hotel. 6:30pm for 7pm. 


Christmas Bereavement Memorial Service : This will take place in St Machan’s Church next Sunday 12th December at 11.00a.m.


Friendship Circle : The Guild and the Senior Friendship Circle would like to extend an invitation to members of the congregation to join them on Tuesday 14th December at 1.30 pm in the Church.  We are delighted to tell you that the Salvation Army are going to be with us for an hour of music singing carols, listening to readings and enjoying a time of fellowship.   It is another wonderful lead up to Christmas.

The usual Covid rules will be in place including hand sanitising, the wearing of masks and test and trace.

If you can join us it would be great to see you.


Christian Aid Retiral Offering : There will be a retiral offering today which will be donated to Christian Aid’s Global Hunger Emergency Appeal. Money from this appeal will be used to help provide food and medical supplies for more than 40 million people facing famine. Families in South Sudan, Afghanistan, Ethiopia and Burkina Faso desperately need food and clean water to survive and are all included in the Global Hunger Appeal. Please pray for all those millions and, if you are able, please give what you can.


Prayer Group : Whilst the Prayer Group is not physically back up and running they have been, throughout lockdown actively supporting anyone they knew of in need of prayerful support, and continue to do so every week.  If, at any time, you would like someone’s name added to the prayer list please speak to Joe Williamson or Sadie McKnight.





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