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Church Notices


                          Intimations for Sunday 15th April

Data Protection Exercise : New legislation is being introduced in respect of General Data Protection Regulation and this will come into effect on 28th May. In order to comply with this new legislation some general housekeeping of our records and how we store information needs to be done and the Kirk Session have recently undergone training on this.

However, the new legislation states that we are now required to obtain written permission from every member to the effect that the information we hold is correct and that each member agrees to us securely holding that information. As pert last Sunday, following this morning’s service there will be tables set out in the big hall again with appropriate consent forms and those folks who did not get the opportunity to sign the form last Sunday are asked to go through to the hall after morning worship to do so. I know this may cause some folks a little inconvenience but unfortunately it is an exercise we must complete so your co-operation will be greatly appreciated.

Men’s Club : the indoor bowls will continue each Monday afternoon at the usual time of 1.30 until the end of April. A warm invitation is extended to all men of the congregation and friends to go along and enjoy and afternoon of fun and fellowship.

Stated Annual Meeting : This will take place following morning Worship on Sunday 22nd April. It is hoped as many of the congregation as possible will stay behind for this short, but important meeting. It is your opportunity to hear about the current financial position of St Machan’s, what happens to the money given through your offerings, by the various organisations and what our commitments are at home and in the wider life of the Church.  

Christian Aid : Collectors are needed to collect door to door or with a can in the Co-op during the period 13th - 19th of May. Please contact Grace McGhee if you are able to help.

Foodbank: The Foodbank committee have recently been in touch to thank us all for our continued support through our donations via our church (especially at harvest thanksgiving) and local supermarket baskets. These donations have kept the foodbank very well stocked over the last year. However, they are now running low on toilet rolls, tinned fruit and longlife breakfast juice. If you are considering making a donation to the foodbank at this time, it would very much appreciate if you would considerconsider giving one of these items.

much be appreciated if you could consider giving these items in particular. Thank you.























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