Monday 4th September:
• The Book Club resumes and will meet Monday 4th September at 10.30a.m. in Larkhall Library. The book being discussed this month is “Dissolution” by C J Sansom. A warm invitation is extended to any book lovers to join us for some lively discussions.
• Men’s Club - The new session of Indoor Bowls will start and take place at 1.30p.m. in St Machan’s hall on Monday 4th September. A Warm invitation is extended to all men of the congregation and friends to come along and enjoy an afternoon of fun and fellowship.
• 2 Marshall Street : Just to let all know that significant repair and upgrade works are being carried out to our Marshall Street building. We are carrying out damp treatment works and upgrading the heating system within the property. Works commence on 4th September.
Wednesday 6th September : The Wednesday Morning Prayer and Worship Service meet in St Machan’s. A warm invitation is extended to all.
• Prayer Service – 10.15 a.m.
• Worship Service – 11.00 a.m.
Sunday 10th September: Morning Worship will be held in Chalmers Church at the usual time of 11a.m.
Wednesday 13th September : The bus for the Guild outing to “Sunshine on Leith” will leave from the front of St Machan’s at 6.20p.m. on Wednesday 13th September. Tickets will be distributed on the bus.
Thursday 14th September : The Kirk Session are called to meet on Thursday 14th September at 7.00p.m. in the Session Room in St Machan’s Church.
Saturday 16th September : Church family fun night on Saturday 16th September in the church hall from 7 to 9pm.
The theme is on the TV programme …Who wants to be a Millionaire….. guaranteed your cheeks will be sore with laughing…..This would be a great opportunity to ask your family and friends to come along for a good social night….kids welcome.
Shoebox Appeal 2023: The Christmas Shoebox Appeal -2023 has been launched. I don’t yet have a date for the uplift of the boxes but it is usually around the end of October. Larkhall New will again be participating in the appeal and I know finances are going to be stretched for everyone but if you are able to perhaps spread the cost over the next 2 months and pick up a couple of things when out shopping I am confident we can still give our usual generous support for this very worthwhile appeal.
The usual information leaflets are at the exit doors. Please do pick up one on your way out. Thank you.
The Church Invitation Leaflets:- We are doing well with the delivery of our Church Invitation Flyers to homes in our parish. There are still some leaflets to be delivered and these are in the hall. If you can help to deliver please uplift and mark the street names as done on the area delivery list. Thank you.
Service Recordings: This is a reminder to all Elders and the whole congregation to say we provide a recording of the Sunday services to those members of our Church Family who are housebound and have no internet access to view the weekly services via our website. If you know of anyone who would be interested in receiving an MP3 player and a memory stick with the recording of the service to be made available to them could you please let Fiona Sandeman know.
This is a really important outreach to members of our church family who are no longer able to attend Sunday morning worship. We have plenty of MP3 players so please do get in touch if you or anyone you know would like this service and we will arrange to get the weekly recorded service to you.
Keeping you informed : Following a recent meeting of the Business Committee of Larkhall New we had a discussion about how we could improve our communication with you, our Church Family, and keep you abreast of what goes on in Larkhall New - both at Chalmers & St Machan’s - on a weekly basis.
For those who have Internet Access you will hopefully have noticed over the last few weeks an email from me each Sunday or Monday providing a list of the intimations for the week ahead as is found in the Sunday Church order of service leaflet. We hope this will be of interest to those who are, for whatever reason, unable to attend Church regularly or who happen to miss a week or two due to illness, holidays or family commitments. For those who manage to Church and have already seen the intimations, this just serves as an additional update. Naturally, I have only been able to send this information out to those whose email address I have. If you are “on line” and are currently not receiving my weekly email and would like to do so then please let me have a note of your email address and I will be happy to include you. I can be contacted at or speak to me at Church. Linda