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Church Notices



Are You a Church Member ?
You may be fairly new to Larkhall New Parish Church or you may have been attending worship for some time. If you are not a church member the Session would like you to consider joining our Church. There are already a few folks wanting to join and if you would like to find out more then please contact Graham Duncan on 07889007427 or any of the Mission Committee members. An Information evening will be organised for all who are interested to find out more about church membership......... You can also put your name and details in the Introduction box and contact will be made with you.

Church Invitation Leaflets
Leaflets for the last 2 areas in our Parish are available for delivery. The areas are Town Centre and Station Road. If you are able to help with delivery please uplift from the hall.
When the last leaflet is popped through the door we will have delivered 5500 Church Invitations
Many Thanks for your help.

Banking Information : The business counter in the Bank of Scotland is closing in the not too distant future. For anyone who uses a cheque in their offering please note all cheque payments require to be made payable to the name of the account which is:   LARKHALL NEW PARISH CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. If anything other than this is entered, the cheque will be rejected by the clearing bank.

Monday 13th November:  
•    Men’s Club:  meet tomorrow, Monday 13th November at 1.30p.m. in St Machan’s Church Hall. The guest speaker is Kenneth Brophy who will speak about “Larkhall 1000 years ago”. A Warm invitation is extended to all men of the congregation to come along and enjoy an interesting afternoon and good fellowship.

•    Monday 13th November : The Tea dance Team are holding our 2nd. Afternoon Tea Dance in Chalmers Hall, on Monday 13 November from 1pm - 3pm. We are again asking for your support or help in the setting up of the hall or the provision of some cakes for the Afternoon Tea.  We were delighted with the previous responses and would be glad for any help and encouragement. We would be very pleased and grateful if you would let either Anne Strachan or May Prentice know how you wish to be involved.

Tuesday 14th November : The Friendship Circle will meet on Tuesday 14th Nov at 1.30p.m. in St Machan’s hall. The guest speaker is Lis Mullen who will speak about “The Contents of a Handbag”. A warm invitation is extended to all. 

Wednesday 15th November : 
•    The Wednesday Morning Prayer and Worship Service meet in St Machan’s.  A warm invitation is extended to all.
              Prayer Service – 10.15 a.m.
              Worship Service – 11.00 a.m

Thursday 16th November : The Kirk Session is called to meet on Thursday 16th November at 7.00p.m. in the Session House – St Machan’s. Minutes of the previous meeting and reports will be emailed out to all Elders shortly.

Sunday 19th November -   
•    Morning Worship will be held in St Machan’s Church at the usual time of 11a.m. 

•    Christmas Magazine - Could all contributions for the Christmas Magazine be given to Fay by Sunday 19th November or before, if possible.  Thank you.

•    Soup & Crusty Lunch – The Guild are having a Soup & Crusty Bread Lunch on Sunday 19th November immediately following morning Worship. Please do come along and enjoy some delicious home-made soup. The Guild would appreciate your support with all profits going to Guild funds. 


Sunday 26th November : Morning Worship will take place in St Machan’s Church at the usual time of 11a.m. during which Holy Communion will be celebrated

Friday 1st December - Christmas Coffee & Pancake Morning :  This will take place in St Machan’s hall from 10a.m. – 12 noon.  Our famous freshly cooked hot pancakes are returning, after a 3 year gap, and you can enjoy one (or two) with a nice cup of tea or coffee. There will also be a stall selling some hand-made Christmas gifts and home baking.  All proceeds will go to Church Funds. Donations of home baking will be most welcome and much appreciated. 
We hope you will support this venture. It is also hoped the Friday Pancake Morning might return permanently again in the new year, if we can find some willing volunteers to help. If you would like to see this to resume and might be willing to help then please speak to Linda Turnbull for more details.
Saturday 2nd December - Larkhall New Parish Church Annual Christmas Concert. 
This is a joint concert, Men’s Club, Guild & Friendship Circle, and all proceeds will go to Church funds. 
It will be held on Saturday 2nd December at 7:30pm in the Church. This year the entertainment will be by the Hamilton Rock Choir and you, the audience, will have the chance to sing some favourite Christmas carols too. 
Ticket price £5.00 includes refreshments, you can also pay at the door. Children are free with an accompanying adult. Tickets are now available from Men’s Club, and Guild committee members. Please come along for what promises to be a great evening.



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