Monday 7th November: The next meeting of the Book Club will meet tomorrow morning at 10.30a.m. in Larkhall Library when the book being discussed is “The Legacy of Elizabeth Pringle” by Kirsty Wark.
Men’s Club Indoor Bowls will meet tomorrow, Monday 7th November at 1.30p.m. in St Machan’s Church Hall. A Warm invitation is extended to all men of the congregation to come along and enjoy an afternoon of fun and fellowship.
Tuesday 8th November: The Friendship Circle will meet in St Machan’s Church Hall on Tuesday 8th November at 1.30p.m. The guest speaker will be giving a talk about Mary’s Meals. A very warm welcome is extended to all.
Wednesday 9th November: The Wednesday Morning Prayer and Worship Service will meet this coming Wednesday 9th November.
Prayer Service – 10.15 a.m.
Worship Service – 11.00 a.m.
Sunday 13th November: On Remembrance Sunday, 13th November, there will be a short service at 11a.m. at the War Memorial in the park on Glenview. There will be 2 Remembrance Day Services for Larkhall New, the first will be held in St Machan’s at the later time of 11.30a.m., and the second in Chalmers Church at 3p.m.
Church Magazine: Could all contributions for the Christmas Magazine be given to Fay by Sunday 13th November or earlier, if possible.
Service Recordings: You may recall before lockdown we provided a recording of the Sunday services to those members of our Church Family who are housebound and have no internet access and so are unable to see and hear the weekly services via our Website. I am delighted to say that we are again going to resume recording the services onto memory sticks and then distribute them together with an MP3 player for the memory stick to those who are housebound and have no internet access. Could Elders please let Fiona Sandeman know of anyone in their district who would like to have this available to them and indeed this request also goes out to the whole congregation, should you know of anyone in this situation.
Most of the congregation will know Rev Elizabeth Clelland from Braehead Christian Healing and Retreat Centre. Elizabeth has been a good friend of our Church Family over the last 10 years, has often led us in Worship, conducted funerals when Alastair has been on holiday and spoken at many of our organisations, and many of us have visited Braehead over these years. Elizabeth is retiring from her post as Chaplain at the end of the year. The Kirk Session is having an away day at Braehead on Saturday 12th November, when we will have the opportunity to say thank you and farewell to Elizabeth and also to meet the new lady taking over. At our last Session meeting the Elders agreed that a gift be given to Elizabeth and that perhaps many of our Church Family would also like to be given the opportunity to contribute to that gift. A plate will be at the doors at the end of the service today for anyone wishing to contribute and your contribution will be added to that given by the Elders.
The Guild are having a quiz to raise money for guild projects. Quiz sheets, costing £2.00 per sheet, will be available from today and again Sundays 13th and 20th November in the church and hall and completed sheets should be returned no later than 27th November. Boxes will be available for completed entries. The winner will be announced on 4th December. The prize has been donated by Parks of Hamilton and is a specialised treatment for your car called Diamondbrite. It protects external paintwork, alloy wheels, carpets, fabric seats and leather seats. It’s suitable for both new and used cars. Once applied you don’t need to wax or polish your car again. The retail value of the prize is £299 so it’s well worth having a go.
The Guild are also holding a soup and crusty Bread Lunch on Sunday 20th November in St Machan’s hall after Morning Worship. All donations will go to Guild funds. A very warm invitation is extended to everyone to go along and enjoy some delicious homemade soup. Your support will be greatly appreciated.