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Church Notices

Intimations for Sunday 12th August
USB Sticks : Would Elders who deliver USB stick to members please check their
boxes in the Guild Room as there are several previous weeks’ sticks still to be
delivered.   It is important that we keep the USB sticks circulating to enable the
service to be downloaded and made available to those in our Congregation
unable to attend on a Sunday.

Church & Halls “Spring” Clean : The Property Committee will be carrying out a
"Spring" or should we say “Summer” clean in the Church, halls, kitchen and
around the grounds. They will have a skip on site which will allow all
organisations the opportunity to tidy out cupboards and in particular the
cleaner’s cupboards and attic area. This will be held on Tuesday 14 th August
from 7pm. and it always promises to be a night of fun and fellowship. Any help
on the night would be much appreciated (please spread the word).
Organisations are asked to leave any unwanted items at the rear of the hall for
the skip. There are a number of items of clothing left on the coat stand in the
hall. Please ensure these are reclaimed before the 14 th . There are also a
number of items in the office which have been left on the premises over the
year – gloves, umbrellas, glasses - again, please reclaim these before the 14 th .
All cleaning materials will be supplied.

Session Meeting : There will be a Kirk Session meeting on Thursday 23 rd August
at 7p.m in the Session House. Minutes of the previous meetings have been
distributed via email with paper copies, for those Elders not on line, in the
relevant boxes in the Session House.

Larkhall Baptist Church : A fundraising afternoon, in aid of Alzheimer Scotland,
is being held on Saturday 18 th August from 1 - 4p.m. in Larkhall Baptist Church
Hall. Entry is £2.00 per adult with no charge for children. The event will have a
1960’s theme so please dress up if you can. There will be a number of stalls,
including fancy goods, cake & candy, face painting, camper van photo booth,
arts & crafts. There will also be a Classic Bikes display. A warm invitation is
extended to all to go along and support both a very worthy cause and our sister
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