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Church Notices




Monday 19th February  : Men’s Club: The next session of Indoor Bowls will meet tomorrow, Monday 18th February at 1.30p.m. in St Machan’s Church Hall. A Warm invitation is extended to all men of the congregation to come along and enjoy an afternoon of fun and fellowship.

Tuesday 20th February : The Guild will meet at 1.30p.m. in St Machan’s hall when they will enjoy a “Beetle Drive”. A warm invitation is extended to come along and enjoy a fun afternoon and some good fellowship.

Wednesday 21st February  : Some of you are reasonably new to Larkhall New and so may not know much about the Wednesday Morning Worship service. This therefore is just a wee bit of insight and a general reminder for all. We have had a morning service on a Wednesday morning for many years in the small hall. We begin with a cup of tea and a time of fellowship at 10a.m. The service starts with prayer for healing at around 10.15 and followed by Worship with singing around 11, finishing by noon. 
We have a list of names of those who need prayer and if you know someone who needs prayer the board is always in the small hall. We use Christian names only and no personal information is given - God knows.
The Minister leads the Worship backed up by Joe Williamson and Nan Richardson on piano. It is a very informal time and there is a real awareness of the presence of our Father among us. If you are looking for midweek Worship, all are most welcome.  Nan & Joe.
Prayer Service – 10.15 a.m.
Worship Service – 11.00 a.m.

Friday 23rd February : Friday Pancake Morning returns from 10am – 12 noon in St Machan’s hall.  A very warm welcome is extended to everyone to drop in for a freshly made hot pancake and a cup of tea or coffee and please also bring along your friends and neighbours. The Pancake Mornings are held on the last Friday of each month.

Sunday 25th February- Morning Worship will be held in St Machan’s Church at the usual time of 11a.m. 

Advance Notice : 

Thursday 29th February – The Kirk Session is called to meet in the Session House, St Machan’s at 7.00p.m.  Minutes and reports will be emailed out prior to the meeting.

Tuesday 5th March - The Guild & Friendship Circle are having Ellie’s Boutique Fashion Show in St Machan’s Church on the evening of Tuesday 5th March at 7:30pm. Tickets are priced at £5.00 and  include tea , coffee & home baking. 
Tickets can be bought from Guild / Friendship Circle committee and also from Ellie’s Boutique in Larkhall. Please come along for a fun filled evening and some tasty home baking. 

Fun Quiz Night
Saturday 16th March - A quiz night is being held on Saturday 16th March from 7.00 to 9.00pm in St Machans Hall and All are Invited. All the family can get involved so you can bring them along. Tea and Coffee will be served at the break however feel free to bring your own snacks and soft drinks.
Hope to see you there for a Fun Night.

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