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Church Notices

                    Intimations for Sunday 17th June


Wednesday Morning Service :  This  coming Wednesday, 20th June, the Morning service will be conducted by the Rev Elizabeth Clelland from Braehead House Christian Healing centre at the usual time of 11am. Elizabeth always has something  interesting  to share with us.

There will be a light lunch  served in the hall afterwards. This will be the final service till after the summer. A warm invitation is extended to all.


Kwahu Presbytery Visit : On Saturday 23rd June at Motherwell: Dalziel, St Andrews Church an invitation is extended to meet our neighbours visiting from Kwahu Presbytery in Ghana at a conference from 10.00 -  1p.m. Please see the notice board in the hall for full information.


Musical Evening : On Saturday 30th June at 7.00p.m. a concert is being held in the Church, and will be an evening of song and entertainment  by our very own Shonagh Murray, who you will remember, led our Praise Band for a number of years and is a very talented musician. Shonagh has composed and put together a show, “Armour, A Herstory of the Scottish Bard” which is being performed every day at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe. To help raise funds for this venture, St Machan’s is delighted to welcome Shonagh and her friends who will provide a great night’s entertainment which will include a sample from the Fringe Show, some Burns classics, as well as a selection of songs from well-known musicals. Tickets, priced £5.00 are now available from any elder and payment can also be made at the door on the evening. Tea will be included. This is a great opportunity for us to give our support to Shona in this very exciting venture so please do come along and enjoy a great night’s entertainment.


Church Family Lunch : On Sunday 1st July, during morning Worship, new Communicants will be admitted into the Membership of the Church. To celebrate this and to welcome them into our Church Family, a lunch will be provided immediately after the Worship service. A very warm invitation is extended to everyone in the congregation to join our new members at the lunch and share in a special time of food and fellowship.


Food Bank :  COULD YOU PLEASE HELP? – The foodbank is currently completely out of tinned tomatoes, longlife breakfast fruit juice and microwaveable rice. Our supplies of jam and longlife milk are also running low. If you are able to donate any one of those items it would be most appreciated.


Dalserf Church : Saturday Teas will be served in Dalserf Church from 12th May – 25th August between 12 noon and 4p.m. Please drop in and enjoy a cuppa with some home baking and help support our Sister Church in this venture.




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