Monday 4th November :
• Book Club: will meet on Monday 4th at 10.30a.m. in Larkhall Library. The book being discussed this month is “Rather Be The Devil” by Ian Rankin. A warm invitation is extended to any book lovers to join us for some lively discussions.
• Men’s Club – Bowling. The next session of Indoor Bowls will meet tomorrow, Monday 4th at 1.30p.m. in the Church Hall. A Warm invitation is extended to all men of the congregation to come along and enjoy an afternoon of fun and fellowship.
Tuesday 5th November:
• The Guild Fundraising Afternoon. This will take place in St Machan’s hall at 1.30p.m., when Taylor Fashions will have a variety of clothing for sale. Entrance fee is £3.00 which includes tea/coffee and a biscuit. This event is open to everyone so please bring along any friends, family or neighbours. We look forward to seeing you there.
• Guild Quiz - There are two boxes for quiz entries situated in the Church. One on the table as you come through the glass doors and the other at the side door leading to the office/ corridor. You can also give your entry to any Guild member. Last date for entries is Tuesday 5th November. Thank you.
Wednesday 6th November :
• The Wednesday Morning Prayer and Worship Service Services are held every Wednesday morning in the small hall in St Machan’s. A warm invitation is extended to everyone. You will be made most welcome.
Prayer Service – 10.15a.m.
Worship service – 11a.m.
• Praise and Prayer evening at 58 Hamilton Street. We start at 7pm with tea/coffee and a blether followed by praise, with Nan on the piano, and then a time of prayer. Home time is 8.30. You are welcome to join us. If you wish to know more give Jim or Nan a ring on 885815.
Sunday 10th November: Remembrance Sunday. There will be a short service at 11a.m. at the War Memorial in the park on Glenview. There will be 2 Remembrance Day Services for Larkhall New, the first will be held in St Machan’s at the later time of 11.30a.m., and the second in Chalmers Church at 3p.m.
The Guild Christmas Lunch will be at the Radstone on Tuesday 3rd December at 1.00p.m.. Names & deposits to be given to Anne Hynd as soon as possible with full payment no later than 19th November.
Sunday 1st December : Advent Gift Sunday will be held in St Machan’s at the usual time of 11a.m. As always, please leave your gifts unwrapped in either a Christmas bag or a carrier with a roll of Christmas paper. Gifts this year are being distributed by The Larkhall Network Group. This group includes various local charities, volunteer groups, Social Work, schools and Churches working for the community in Larkhall. The gifts will be delivered to the local schools in Larkhall for distribution to those families in most need.