Weekly Intimation Mailing List: The intimations are emailed out normally on a Sunday afternoon to all in our Church Family whose email address I have. This means that if you miss a Sunday due to illness or holiday then you can still find out what is on at Larkhall New for the week ahead. If you know of anyone who does not receive this weekly update and would like to do so, then please send me their email address to and I will add them to the list. Thank You. Linda
Monday 20th January: Men’s Club - Indoor Bowls will be held at the usual time of 1.30p.m. in the hall of Larkhall New, St Machan’s building. A Warm invitation is extended to all men of the congregation to come along and enjoy an afternoon of fun and fellowship.
Tuesday 21st January : The Guild will meet at 1.30p.m. in Larkhall New - St Machan’s hall . The guest speaker is Carol Walker who will speak about her “Solo Trip to India”. A warm welcome is extended to all.
Sunday 26th January 2025 :
• Morning Worship will be held in Larkhall New – St Machan’s building – at the usual time of 11a.m.
• Soup & Crusty Bread Lunch – The Guild are having a Soup & Crusty Bread Lunch on Sunday 26th January (cancelled due to bad weather in November) immediately following morning Worship. Please do come along and enjoy some delicious home-made soup. The Guild would appreciate your support with all profits going to Guild funds.
Friday 31st January : Friday Pancake Morning returns on Friday 31st January from 10am – 12 noon in St Machan’s hall. A very warm welcome is extended to everyone to drop in for a freshly made hot pancake and a cup of tea or coffee and please also bring along your friends and neighbours. The Pancake Mornings will be held on the last Friday of each month.
Office Repair Works : The office in St Machan’s building will be out of commission for the month of February due to some major repair works being carried out to the ceiling and roof area. For the month the dividing panels in the Guild/Session room will be in place and the Session Room area will be used solely to house the office equipment and should not be used by any of the organisations. The office will be being completely emptied and so we will be taking the opportunity to sift through and clear out any unnecessary and unused items. If anyone has anything which belongs to them then please arrange to remove the items as soon as possible.
An Alpha course returns to our church and ALL ARE WELCOME to attend. We will meet on Thursday evenings from 7.00 till 8.30pm. The 10-week course will start on 30th of January 2025 and will be held in our St Machans Church building.
The sessions cover the basics of the Christian Faith in a simple and straight forward way using videos hosted by Nicky Gumbel, the writer of the Alpha course, who is a very good and engaging speaker.
Being put on the spot is the big anxiety for folk thinking about attending the course. This will NOT HAPPEN, however personal questions and opinions can be given as and when you want ……. or not at all.
It is all about the individual meeting Jesus where they are, in their circumstances and building their personal relationship with him.
The group will consist of different people at different stages in their Christian experience, coming to listen, learn and understand in a relaxing environment….and you get a cup of tea.
If you are searching for some answers, I would encourage you to consider being part of the next course and if you are interested, please contact me to discuss or put your name on the list at the resource centre or church notice board in St Machans or Chalmers.
Telephone: 07889 007427 Email:
Don’t worry if you cannot attend some of the weeks as you can catch up online……you can also bring your friend who does not attend church if they would like to come along.
It would be great to see you there.