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Church Notices 16th February 2025


Last Sunday we were again delighted to welcome more of our brothers and sisters in Christ from Trinity worshipping with us for the first time. Our doors are open and a very warm welcome is extended to all to join us and share in our Worship and the spiritual life of Larkhall New.  We want everyone to feel comfortable and at home in our Church Family. 
Larkhall and District Food Bank : Following the closure of Trinity Church, the Food Bank will need to move out of the cottage and are looking for new premises. If anyone has any ideas or information on a possible new site, please contact Catriona Martin, Chairperson on 07591 104027. 

From The Nurture Team : The next quarterly edition of the booklet “Our Daily Bread” is now available. We hope that those who received a previous copy enjoyed the booklet and benefited from the daily short reflections, bible readings and prayers. Copies are free and available to anyone as you leave Church, please take one. Thank you.

Monday 17th February:  Men’s Club – The next session of Indoor Bowls will meet tomorrow,  Monday at 1.30p.m. in the Larkhall New – St Machan’s Hall. A Warm invitation is extended to all men of the congregation to come along and enjoy an afternoon of fun and fellowship.

Tuesday 18th February : The Guild will meet at 1.30p.m. in the hall of Larkhall New  - St Machan’s building when they will have a “Beetle Drive”. A fun afternoon is promised, and a warm invitation is extended to all.

Wednesday 19th February : The Wednesday Morning Prayer and Worship Service Services are held every Wednesday morning in the small hall in St Machan’s. A warm invitation is extended to everyone. You will be made most welcome.
 Prayer Service – 10.15a.m.
 Worship service – 11a.m. 

Thursday 20th February  : 
 Alpha Course will meet from 7.00 till 8.30p.m. in St Machans Church building.
The sessions cover the basics of the Christian Faith in a simple and straight forward way using
videos hosted by Nicky Gumbel, the writer of the Alpha course, who is a very good and engaging
speaker. If you are searching for some answers, I would encourage you to consider being part of
the next course and if you are interested, please just come along. If you require further information then contact Graham,
Telephone: 07889 007427 Email:
Don’t worry if you cannot attend some of the weeks as you can catch up online……you can also
bring your friend who does not attend church if they would like to come along.
It would be great to see you there.

Sunday 23rd  February  2025 :  Morning Worship will be held in Larkhall New – St Machan’s building – at the usual time of 11a.m.  The service will be conducted by Mr Arthur Stewart.


Thursday 27th February : Kirk Session are called to meet in Larkhall New  - St Machan’s Session Room at 7.00p.m. Minutes of the previous meeting have been issued and Team reports will follow. Please note in the event of the Session Room being still out of action, the meeting will be held in the Church.


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