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Church Notices

                                            INTIMATIONS 4th DECEMBER

Monday 5th December:   Men’s Club Christmas dinner is being held in the Maltings at 7.00p.m. for 7.30p.m. at the Maltings.

Tuesday 6th December: The Salvation Army will be joining the Senior Friendship Circle and Guild for a Carol concert in church.  This starts at 1pm and a warm invitation is extended to members of the congregation to join us.  Refreshments will be served afterwards.

Wednesday 7th December: The Wednesday Morning Prayer and Worship Service will meet this coming Wednesday 7th December. 
Prayer Service – 10.15 a.m.
Worship Service – 11.00 a.m.

Saturday 10th December: The Men’s Club Christmas Concert will be held on Saturday 10th December at 7.30p.m. in St Machan’s Church, when the Stonehouse Male Voice Choir will provide the entertainment and there will be a special guest appearance by Santa. Ticket cost, which includes refreshments, are priced £5.00 per adult, free for children are now available from any member.  

Sunday 11th December: Morning Worship will be held in Chalmers Church at the usual time of 11.00a.m. when the service will be taken by Mr Arthur Stewart.
Tuesday 13th December:  The Guild Christmas meal is on Tuesday 13th December, 12:30pm for 1pm at the Radstone Hotel. 

Flower Rota: A blank Flower Rota for Jan – June2023 is now on the notice board in the Guild Room and your help is needed to fill up the calendar. Many thanks to those who have previously and generously volunteered and it is hoped you will continue to do so. More volunteers are needed though - the more there are the better. If you can take a turn, even if only for 1 Sunday, then please fill your name on the rota against the Sunday/s of your choice stating your preference as to supplying, delivering or both. By doing so you will help keep our Sanctuary beautiful on a Sunday morning but, more importantly, by delivering a bunch of flowers to those in our congregation and beyond in their time of greatest need or time of happy celebration you will be providing a very important pastoral care role in the life of our Church. Thank you. 


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