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Church Notices

                                           INTIMATIONS 2nd OCTOBER

Monday 3rd October:  
Book Club - The first meeting of the Book Club will meet tomorrow morning, Monday 3rd October in Larkhall Library at 10.30a.m.. The book being discussed this month is entitled “Changed Times” by local author Ethyl Smith, who was born and brought up in Blackwood.

Bowls - The next session of the Men’s Club Indoor Bowls will meet tomorrow, Monday 3rd October at 1.30p.m. in the Church Hall. A Warm invitation is extended to all men of the congregation to come along and enjoy an afternoon of fun and fellowship. 

Tuesday 4th October: The first meeting of the new session of the Guild takes place this coming Tuesday 4th October. Registration will be from 1pm in the hall then the re dedication service will be at 1.30 in the church followed by tea/ coffee. Capitation fees are £14 and it would be really helpful if you could bring the exact money to avoid giving change where possible. All new and existing members will be made most welcome.

Wednesday 5th October: The Wednesday Morning Prayer and Worship Service will meet this coming Wednesday 14th September. All will be made most welcome.
Prayer Service – 10.15 a.m.
Worship Service – 11.00 a.m.

Shoebox Appeal 2022:   The Christmas Shoebox Appeal -2022 has been launched and this year are appealing especially for Ukraine. Larkhall New will again be participating in the appeal and I know finances are going to be stretched for everyone but if you are able to perhaps spread the cost over the next 2 months and pick up a couple of things when out shopping I am confident we can still give our usual generous support for this very worthwhile appeal. 
A table has been set up in the Church where filled boxes can be left. The collection date has not yet been issued but will be towards the end of October.  The usual information leaflets with suggestions of what the boxes can be filled with are at the exit doors. Please do pick up one on your way out. Thank you.

19th November: Larkhall Baptist Church are hosting a Women’s Conference - Seeds of Change - in the Baptist Church on Saturday 19th November starting at 10.30a.m.  Seeds of Change is run by a group of women passionate about supporting and growing in their faith in both the Church and the wider community.
Entry is free with a donation being asked on the day to MAF – Mission Aviation Fellowship. Refreshments will be provided but you are asked to bring your own lunch. To reserve a place, tickets (no charge) must be booked online via Eventbrite. There is a poster on the notice board in the hall with details of the website.


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