Through the symbol of water and following the words and command of Jesus (Matthew 28:19), a Baptismal service is a wonderful reminder of what Christ has done for us: His death upon a Cross and His rising again to eternal life (Romans 6:3)
Baptism is the family Sacrament of the Church. Therefore an adult or a child may be Baptised in Church during Sunday morning worship (or elsewhere if appropriate) if the adult has declared their faith in Jesus or in the case of a child where a parent or other suitable adult, who has themselves been Baptised, make a profession of faith on the child’s behalf.
The whole congregation promise to take on the responsibility of encouraging and nurturing each child by word and by action so that they may grow up surrounded by Christian love and one day declare for themselves their faith in Jesus as Lord and as Saviour.
In line with many other Christian denominations, the Church of Scotland has introduced the concept of a Baby Blessing, which finds its inspiration in the actions of Jesus Himself towards children in the Gospels (see Mark 10:16)
During Sunday morning worship (or at another time or location if appropriate) parents come to the front of the Church and present their child to receive a blessing from the Minister: By the laying on of hands and by prayer! There is no administration of water, nor does it take the form of a naming ceremony.
This service is a wonderful and meaningful opportunity to give thanks for the gift of life which God has given. A blessing is available to all who request it!
Weddings are held in Larkhall New throughout the year and every request is given due consideration and respect. There is no requirement for couple’s to be members of the church however they are encouraged to reflect upon the spiritual and Biblical foundations of Christian relationship.
By celebrating their special day in the church they are inviting God to the wedding and our hope and our prayer is that they will also invite God into their marriage!
We believe it to be a fundamental duty of the Christian Church to offer comfort and consolation in all times of sadness and loss. Larkhall New stands at the centre of the Parish as a symbol of living faith and the hope of new life in Jesus, so we will do our very best to make the church available for funeral services.
We seek to express our care for those experiencing loss and bereavement not only on the day of the service but also through a Book of Remembrance which is kept in the Church sanctuary as a permanent memorial for all the loved ones who have been lost. We offer a copy of the Funeral Tribute which can be delivered by a member of the Bereavement Team a few weeks after the funeral.
For further information please contact the minister at:
Telephone numbers which may be useful :-