From The Nurture Team : The next quarterly edition of the booklet “Our Daily Bread” is now available. We hope that those who received a previous copy enjoyed the booklet and benefited from the daily short reflections, bible readings and prayers. Copies are free and will be available to anyone as you leave Church this morning, please take one. Thank you.
Monday 24th February: Men’s Club – Men’s Club - Indoor Bowls will be held at the usual time of 1.30p.m. in the hall of Larkhall New, St Machan’s building. A Warm invitation is extended to all men of the congregation to come along and enjoy an afternoon of fun and fellowship.
Tuesday 25th February : The Friendship Circle will meet at 1.30p.m. in the hall of Larkhall New - St Machan’s building when the topic will be “Scripture Parcels”. A warm invitation is extended to all.
Wednesday 26th February : The Wednesday Morning Prayer and Worship Service Services are held every Wednesday morning in the small hall in St Machan’s. A warm invitation is extended to everyone. You will be made most welcome.
Prayer Service – 10.15a.m.
Worship service – 11a.m.
Thursday 27th February : Kirk Session is called to meet in Larkhall New - St Machan’s Session Room at 7.00p.m. Minutes of the previous meeting have been issued and Team reports will follow. Please note in the event of the Session Room being still out of action, the meeting will be held in the Church.
Friday 28th February : 🥞☕️ Friday Pancake Morning returns from 10am – 12 noon in Larkhall New - St Machan’s hall. A very warm welcome is extended to everyone to drop in for a freshly made hot pancake and a cup of tea or coffee and please also bring along your friends and neighbours. The Pancake Mornings are held on the last Friday of each month.
Sunday 2nd March 2025 : Morning Worship will be held in Larkhall New – St Machan’s building – at the usual time of 11a.m.
Tuesday 4th March : A warm welcome is extended to everyone to join 1st Larkhall Girls’ Brigade for a fantastic Pancake Night!
When……..Tuesday 4th March at 7.00p.m. Where……..Trinity Church Hall
Get ready for delicious pancakes with tons of yummy toppings! It’s a great way to enjoy a tasty treat and support a wonderful cause. Tickets are £2.00each, and all proceeds will go to the Lanarkshire Rape Crisis Centre in Hamilton. We’d love to see you there.
Sunday 9th March : Morning Worship will be held at the usual time of 11a.m. Larkhall New – Chalmers building. The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be served during the service.