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Church Notices

INTIMATIONS   24th February

Men’s Club : The next meeting of the Men’s Club will be Monday 25th February at 2.00p.m. in the hall. The speaker will be Mr Tom Sorbie, and his topic is, The Alaskan Railway.  A warm invitation is extended to all men of the congregation to come along and enjoy an interesting talk and some good fellowship.


The Guild : The Guild committee are reminded of the committee meeting on Tuesday 26th February in the Guild room 7:15 for 7:30pm.


The Guild – Part 2 : The next meeting of the Guild is Tuesday 5th March at 7.30p.m. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the group scheduled to entertain that evening are now unable to do so. Instead a beetle drive has been arranged. This evening is still an “Open Night” and a warm invitation is extended to everyone to come along and enjoy an evening of fun and fellowship. Entry to Beetle Drive will be £2 anyone who has paid for a ticket to the Jubilee Jammers should see the person they bought their ticket from to get a refund. 


World Day of Prayer : Larkhall World day of Prayer Service will be held in Dalserf Church on Friday 1st March at 2pm.


Coalburn Brass Family in Concert : The family includes the Coalburn Bronze Band, Percussion Academy, Intermediate and Silver Bands. The whole Brass Family will be performing on Friday 1st March at 7.30p.m. in Kirkmuirhill Church. Tickets are priced £5.00 and are available on the night. Doors open at 7.00p.m.


Scottish Bible Society Concert : The Motherwell Action Group of the Scottish Bible Society are organising a concert in St Mary’s Church, Motherwell on Saturday 2nd March at 7.00p.m., with the entertainment being provided by Cantabile Ensemble with Mark Donnelly and guests. Tickets priced £5.00, which include refreshments, can be obtained from Allison Murray or paid at the door on the night. Proceeds from the concert will go to support trauma healing work in Syria.


Holy Communion : This will next be celebrated on Sunday 3rd March at 11.00a.m.

Elders duty rotas are now available in the boxes in the Guild room. If any elder has a duty which they are unable to fulfil, please arrange your own substitute.


The Machan Trust : Foe various health and age reasons, the Machan Trust have recently lost a few long standing members from their breakfast clubs and they are urgently seeking to replace them. If you can spare an hour and a half any morning of the week from 7.45 – 9.15 a.m. please speak to either Pam Colligan or Bob Allan who can provide you with further details. Please give this your prayerful consideration. Providing this service to the young folks in our community is a very rewarding experience.


Ten Pin Bowling Evening : The Vision & Mission Committee are organising a Ten Pin Bowling Evening on Friday 12th April at 7.00pm and all are welcome to attend. The event will take place at the Cosmic Bowl at M&D’s in Strathclyde Park and the cost will be £10 per person. We would be delighted if you could invite friends and family to attend this fun event. If you would like to attend, please put your name on the form in the

resource centre at the back of the church or if you require further information please contact Graham Duncan.













































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