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Church Notices

       INTIMATIONS   23rd February 2020



   Men’s Club  - Monday 24th February : The next meeting of the Men’s Club will take place tomorrow,  Monday 23rd February at 2.00p.m. when Robert Wilson will be speaking about “James Tyler”.  Warm invitation is extended to all men of the congregation to come along and enjoy an interesting afternoon and some good fellowship.


Wednesday Morning Healing Prayer Group and Worship Service : Services are held every Wednesday morning in the small hall. Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Wednesday of the month. A warm invitation is extended to everyone. You will be made most welcome.

Prayer Service – 10.15a.m.

Worship Service – 11.00a.m.


Friendship Circle – Tuesday 25th February : The meeting will begin at 2p.m. when Carol Walker will speak about her trip to China. A warm invitation is extended to all to come along and enjoy an interesting afternoon, a cup of tea and good fellowship.


Braehead House Divine Healing Fellowship Lent Lunch : Beginning Friday 28th February for 6 weeks, a soup and bread lunch will be served at 12 noon followed by a time of reflection for Lent at 12.30p.m. for approximately 30 mins. Cost £5.00 per week. A welcome is extended to all. Please note, you will require to book a place each week prior to attending. Please see the poster on the hall notice board for contact numbers.


Holy Communion – Sunday 1st March : Elders duty rotas are now available in the boxes in the Guild Room. If you have a duty and are unable to fulfil it, please ensure you arrange your replacement.


World Day of Prayer – Friday 6th March : The Larkhall Service for “World Day of Prayer” will be held this year in Trinity Church on Friday 6th March at 2.00p.m. The service has been prepared by Christian Women of Zimbabwe.


Vision Prayer Breakfast – Saturday 7th March : The next VPB will be on Saturday morning 7th March in the hall. Breakfast will be served from 9.30a.m. A short time of Worship and time of prayer will follow from 10a.m. A warm invitation is extended to everyone in our Church Family to come along and share in this special time of prayer.


Admission of Elders & Church Family Lunch - Sunday 8th March : The Kirk Session of St. Machan’s Parish Church has resolved to admit to the office of Eldership within our congregation and Parish  John & Isabel Martin and Ivan Harvie and have arranged for their admission to take place during Sunday morning worship on 8th March 2020. If anyone has any objection regarding their life, character or faith, notification must be made to the Kirk Session before it meets at 10:45 a.m. on the morning of Sunday the 8th of March 2020.”

A church Family lunch to welcome them into the Session and into our Church Family will follow the service. A very warm invitation is extended to everyone in the congregation to share in this lunch. If you are able to come, and have any special dietary requirements or food allergies, please let Linda Turnbull know by Sunday 1st March.




































































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