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Church Notices

 INTIMATIONS   10th March

Men’s Club : The next meeting of the Men’s Club will be Monday 11th March at 2.00 p.m. in the hall, when Robert Wilson will be speaking about “Passports”. A warm invitation is extended to all men of the congregation and friends to come along and enjoy an interesting afternoon and good fellowship.


Friendship Circle : The next meeting of the Friendship Circle will take place in the hall on Tuesday 12th March at 2p.m. The speakers will be Alan Weir and Stevie Laurie from the Community Police. A warm invitation is extended to all.


Kirk Session Meeting : The next meeting of the Kirk Session is Thursday 14th March at 7.00p.m. in the Session House. Minutes of the previous meeting have now been emailed and paper copies are now available in the boxes of those not on line.


Presbytery Service and Visit by the Moderator of the General Assembly : The Moderator of the General Assembly is visiting the Presbytery of Hamilton from 9th - 16th March. It has been arranged that a Presbytery Service will be held at Airdrie: Cairnlea Parish Church on Sunday evening, 17th March at 7p.m., part of which will be devoted to the presentation of Long Service Certificates. 5 Elders, from St Machan’s will be presented with such a certificate on that evening. An invitation is extended to all members of Congregations to attend this service, which will principally take the form of a Songs of Praise with a brief address by the Moderator.


The Guild :  The Guild are holding their annual Book Sale and Coffee Morning on Saturday 23rd March in the hall from 10 a.m. – 12 noon. Tickets, £3.00, are available from Committee Members or you can pay at the door. Donations of home baking would be much appreciated and can be brought on Friday evening, 22nd March between 6 and 7p.m. or Saturday morning between 9 and 10a.m. The Guild would greatly appreciate your support. 


McWhirter Home : On Sunday afternoon 24th March, at 3p.m., it is St Machan’s turn to take the service at McWhirter Home. As always, Alastair would very much appreciate your support to help with the singing and to share a short time of fellowship with the residents. 


Ten Pin Bowling Evening : The Vision & Mission Committee are organising a Ten Pin Bowling Evening on Friday 12th April at 7.00pm and all are welcome to attend. The event will take place at the Cosmic Bowl at M&D’s in Strathclyde Park and the cost will be £10 per person. We would be delighted if you could invite friends and family to attend this fun event. If you would like to attend, please put your name on the form in the

resource centre at the back of the church or if you require further information please contact Graham Duncan.


The Machan Trust : Foe various health and age reasons, the Machan Trust have recently lost a few long standing members from their breakfast clubs and they are urgently seeking to replace them. If you can spare an hour and a half any morning of the week from 7.45 – 9.15 a.m. please speak to either Pam Colligan or Bob Allan who can provide you with further details. Please give this your prayerful consideration. Providing this service to the young folks in our community is a very rewarding experience.




Safety Notice: In the event of a fire or other emergency, please vacate the premises in an orderly and calm manner by the nearest exit. These exits are clearly marked. Once you have exited the premises, please make your way to the assembly point, which is located on the lawn in front of the Church. When there, please await instructions from members of the duty team.





































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