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Church Notices

Intimations for Sunday 11 th November


Book Club : The Book Club will next meet tomorrow morning, Monday 12 th November at 10.30a.m. at 14 Saltire Crescent. The book being discussed is “The inheritance of Loss” by Kiran Desai.


Men’s Club : The next meeting of the Men’s Club is tomorrow Monday 12 th November at 2p.m. when Rev Elizabeth Clelland, from Braehead House, will be speaking about her pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in Northern Spain. A warm invitation is extended to all men of the congregation to come along and enjoy an interesting talk together with some friendship and fellowship.


Friendship Circle : The next meeting of the Friendship Circle will be Tuesday

13 th November at 2p.m. when Holy Communion will be celebrated. A warm invitation is extended to all.


Soup and Crusty Bread Lunch : The Guild are having their “Soup and Crusty Bread Lunch” in the Church hall after Morning Worship next Sunday 18 th November. Please come along and enjoy some really tasty home-made soup and help the Guild raise some much needed money for Guild funds.


St Andrews Hospice Capital Appeal: The following is a note from the Hospice.

“The refurbishment works at the hospice were completed in late Spring 2018 and the patients were moved back into our Henderson Street home in June. We have now raised over £6million and we would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has helped us achieve this fantastic milestone! We still have a lot of fundraising to do to finish the job and it would be wonderful if you would continue to support us in any way that you can. I would like to ask for your support again this year and ask your churches if they would hold a retiral offering on the Sunday nearest to St Andrews Day. Your continued support would be hugely appreciated by everyone at St Andrew’s Hospice.”

A retiral offering will take place after morning worship on Sunday 25 th November in support of this appeal. If you are able, please give what you can.


Foodbank Donations : At a recent Kirk Session meeting it was suggested and agreed that a permanent box be placed in the vestibule for donations to the Larkhall Foodbank. When doing your weekly shopping, and if you are able, please pick up one or two extra items and drop them in the box on a Sunday morning. The Session Clerk has asked the Food Bank personnel she be notified if and when there is a particular need for specific items and will accordingly note these in the intimations.

All donations will be most welcome, much appreciated and gratefully accepted.

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