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Prayer Meetings and Bible Studies



“Prayer is the link between God's inexhaustible resources and people’s needs...God is the source of power, but we are the instrument He uses to link the two together.”
Charles F. Stanley


There is a Prayer and Praise meeting on 1st and 3rd  Wednesday from 7pm until 8.30pm at Jim and Nan Richardson’s home in Hamilton Street  and on a Wednesday morning from 10.15am in Larkhall New Parish Church  - St Machans Building,   A Healing and Prayer meeting led by Joe Williamson precedes Wednesday morning worship at 11am. 

Wednesday Morning worship is a short service of around 30-45 minutes and is conducted by the Minister and church members. 

If you would like the group to pray for you or someone else please contact John Martin – telephone 01698 889300      email

You do not have to mention the full name of the person who is to be prayed for or even the details if you prefer as Our Heavenly Father knows the situation and is only too glad to hear his children call to him in prayer.

Be assured that any requests will be held in confidence among the prayer team

On Wednesday evenings there is a Bible Study at the manse on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday and in Stonehouse on the 2nd Thursday each month during school term time. 


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